Course Map

2023 Season Statistics

Played at Least 1 Round

NameGuest Rounds POTY Pts. Prizes Best Finish Low Gross Low Net Best Putts Avg. Putts BOTM Avg. Putts*
Dirk Adamsen 5 2 17 1 94 67 30 32.60
Cindy Alviso 1 21 112 85 43 43.00
Dave Anderson 5 10 109 72 36 37.50
Rajesh Berigei 1 22 104 85 38 38.00
Carol Bernhardt 4 2 23 1 108 64 35 37.75
Nick Bernhardt 4 6 93 73 31 33.50
Thelma Bernhardt 4 6 100 76 40 42.00
Dave Bonsall 6 5 9 89 74 32 35.17
Robert Bryant 6 3 63 1 80 70 33 34.17
Tom Conner G1 27 102 102 37 37.00
Jerry Convento 5 6 90 77 33 34.25
Dave Dearborn G1 11 82 82 32 32.00
Martin Delateur 11 5 64 2 96 68 31 35.8234.625 Best-> 31 31 34 35 35 36 37 38
Laura Derian 6 11 94 81 33 36.17
Richard Dye 4 11 86 74 35 36.25
Jacqueline Farren 5 11 5 105 72 35 36.80
David Ferguson 16 4 139 1 98 67 37 40.6238.750 Best-> 37 38 39 39 39 39 39 40
Cedric Fernandes 4 12 97 81 34 36.00
Carolynn Frank 2 13 20 118 83 39 39.00
Jim Handyside G1 DNF DNF DNF NA
Jeff Hazel 6 2 33 2 81 71 29 32.33
Scott Herborn 8 2 12 3 89 71 29 34.1234.125 Best-> 29 31 32 33 33 36 36 43
Tom Holden 15 6 103 1 83 72 29 32.7330.625 Best-> 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 33
John Ironside 1 6 85 76 31 31.00
Marty Johnson 12 1 45 2 82 70 31 34.4233.250 Best-> 31 32 33 33 33 34 35 35
Andrea Joly G1 17 110 110 37 37.00
Buz Joly G1 18 123 123 36 36.00
Jackie Kenneally 15 5 105 1 81 65 28 33.0030.750 Best-> 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 33
Brad Kennedy 4 1 11 2 93 69 30 35.25
Manny Linhares G1 16 94 94 32 32.00
Michael Lyon 1 8 94 77 33 33.00
James Mahoney G1 25 106 106 33 33.00
John Mahoney 11 5 92 1 90 73 31 35.6434.375 Best-> 31 33 34 34 34 35 37 37
Nori Matsumura 5 2 34 1 95 72 33 35.40
David McDonald 13 4 141 1 92 66 31 36.1534.625 Best-> 31 32 34 34 36 36 37 37
Jim McFadyen 4 13 108 82 37 38.75
Chris Olivier 2 13 6 84 76 31 31.00
Eugene Opsasnick 4 1 18 3 82 73 31 33.50
Philip Pagoria 14 3 82 1 86 69 29 33.7931.625 Best-> 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 35
Tim Regan 4 13 13 105 81 28 32.75
Robert Rennie 1 11 93 79 33 33.00
Michael Schwartz 12 3 83 2 78 70 28 31.9030.875 Best-> 28 28 29 30 32 32 34 34
Carl Steigerwald 2 13 8 85 75 29 30.50
Carl D Steigerwald 1 6 8 91 78 33 33.00
Michael Stoops 1 2 27 1 91 71 29 29.00
Christopher Sullivan 11 4 62 1 98 69 33 36.3635.250 Best-> 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 37
David Tamura 15 6 114 1 79 70 26 31.4028.125 Best-> 26 26 28 28 28 29 29 31
Roger Thompson 8 5 13 90 81 31 33.57
Mark Throndson 13 2 42 1 82 71 28 33.0030.750 Best-> 28 29 30 30 31 32 32 34
Bart Van Volkinburg 15 4 69 1 88 68 29 32.9331.125 Best-> 29 30 30 31 31 32 33 33
Joseph Vanden Wymelenberg 10 4 95 1 75 63 31 34.5033.375 Best-> 31 31 31 33 33 35 36 37
Marck vandenOudenaller 16 9 238 1 80 68 27 31.1929.500 Best-> 27 28 30 30 30 30 30 31
Robert Verity 4 10 99 77 35 37.67
Kevin Watanabe 2 14 95 80 36 37.50
Roger Woodward 4 1 3 90 75 31 34.75
Frank Xia 6 4 79 1 84 71 31 34.83
TotalsGuest Rounds POTY Pts. Prizes Best Finish Low Gross Low Net Best Putts Avg. Putts BOTM Avg. Putts*
Last Event included is 202412

Rounds this year = 336 ---- Unique Golfers this year = 56

*Boss Of The Moss Award competition requires 8 putting rounds (8 minimum at the end of the season) and does not include non-standard rounds